Originally posted 2004-11-16.
Athena Hoeppner
Marlene Porter
The October 2004 Computers in Libraries has a useful article
Helping You Buy: OpenURL Link Resolvers
by Christine L. Ferguson and Jill E. Grogg
(fulltext is not available online)
list of OpenURL resolvers
Athena presents a survey she did of vendors
- they contacted 20 vendors, got 13 responses
biggest remote vendors (remotely hosted)
LinkSource -157 installations
Journal Linker - 150
LinkSolver - 130
sfx 670
webbridge 168
total base (combined remote + local)
many different pricing structures
OHIOLINK - OLinks is free to OHIOLINK and ?is open source?
Godot ? open source from Canadians ??
UPDATED from web search: GODOT
Sirsi has largest knowledge base, but most in same ballpark (80,000 - 70,000)
OLinks only has titles for participating libraries
GetCopy - says full text providers should allow their services to be queried directly for access rights - check vendor on the fly - no knowledge base
GetCopy maybe uses SOAP?
resolvers can also offer many other extended services e.g. link to online bookstores, patent databases etc.
extended services - interest is increasingly in specifically targetted services - use Shibboleth auth info to show targetted information based on user roles
some reports may offer features similar to electronic journals management