Originally posted 2004-11-16.
Edward M. Corrado
Rider University Libraries
[still no wireless]
open source software vs free software
- first open-source Library Management System (LMS)
- translation made (or being made) into French
- under active development
- developed in Finland by RealNode
- uses mainly PHP, MySQL, XML, Zebra, Yaz, Perl
- has internal messaging system e.g. “we have to shut down”
- 100% MARC compatible using Zebra
mosly smaller library systems using these packages
Avanti MicroLCS
- not as developed as the other systems
- 100% pure Java
PMB: phpmyibibli - has nice serials module
OSS digital library projects - Greenstone
data library management - Virtual Data Center
- Evergreen (system name)
- Georgia PINES libraries
- 249 libraries
- 7.7 million items
- 15 million items circulated in FY2003
- no existing system meets their needs
- tentative arrival date: June 2006
- commercial support is available
- developer support
- user community
- self-support
differences between OSS and proprietary LMS
- OSS not as complex
- OSS modules mostly web-based
- OSS easier to evaluate
not yet suited for large academic library