Originally posted 2004-11-16.
Barbara Silcox
Jo Ann Remshard
NIST - National Institute of Standards and Technology
NIKE - NIST Integrated Knowledge EditorialNet
Project Vision: To capture, organize, and make available NIST’s knowledge assets in the form of documents and digital objects.
(system doesn’t exist yet)
they looked at Application Service Providers (ASPs)
decision is being made
unique piece: CrossWalk - migrate data from NIKE to online catalog
just maps MARC to online catalog (MARC to OPAC)
Digital Library and Institutional Repository
copyright issues
Search Component
maintain online catalog from Sirsi
Next Steps
- migration of legacy data to new database, doing much cleaning
- continue exploring options for building digital library
- continue to acquire needed skill sets through training and recruitment
- expand digital library to include museum objects
- assessment
US GPO (Government Printing Office) doing a lot of scanning.