Jessamy reports on her reading
number of books read in 2004: 103
number of books read in 2003: 75
number of books read in 2002: 91
number of books read in 2001: 78
103 books? I suck.
UPDATE 2005-01-03: I have never actually kept a detailed book list with dates. The closest is the books page from my main personal site, which has reviews and some books listed, but I very rarely update it. You can also check out a bookshelf of mine.
Herewith, an appropriate excerpt from the Gilmore Girls, "The Road Trip to Harvard".
RORY: Oh my.
LORELAI: What's this?
RORY: It's the library.
RORY: The biggest library I've ever seen.
LORELAI: Uh oh. Brace yourself.
RORY: What?
LORELAI: This is just one of the libraries.
RORY: One of the libraries?
LORELAI: This building is one component of a thirteen million volume collection housed in more than ninety different libraries. It's the oldest library in the United States and the largest academic library in the world. Breathe, breathe.
RORY: I'm a failure.
RORY: I am stupid.
LORELAI: Oh stop.
RORY: I am uniformed and ignorant and. . .I can't even think of a second synonym for uninformed. I suck.
RORY: Thirteen million volumes? I've read like, what, three hundred books in my entire life and I'm already sixteen? Do you know how long it would take me to read thirteen million books?
LORELAI: But honey, you don't have to read every one of them. "Tuesday's with Morrie?" Skip that. "Who Moved My Cheese?" Just stuff you already know.
RORY: Okay, but every kid coming to Harvard is inevitably reading books, and different books, and I want to be able to converse intelligently with each of them and I can't do that unless I read books, at least a few from every genre and sub-genre.
LORELAI: Okay, come on. I'm getting you out of here.
RORY: I sleep too much.
LORELAI: No you don't.
RORY: I've been frittering away my whole life.
LORELAI: You don't fritter.
RORY: Did I mention I suck?
RORY: Well I do.