With apologies to Library Boy for copying an entire posting
According to messages on the listservs of SLA Toronto and TALL (Toronto Association of Law Libraries), SLA is thinking about doing something similar to what happened at the recent Computers in Library conference at the upcoming Toronto SLA conference in June, i.e. "blogging the conference".
Jane Dysart, of Dysart and Jones Associates, is asking "if there are any bloggers out there who are planning on attending the conference and blogging the event".
Any interested bloggers are invited to get in touch with her.
Hmm, if only someone had been thinking about blogging SLA2005 earlier.
Say, in January.
Please, please tell me that we can blog SLA with tags (the tag is SLA2005) and without this core/noncore debate.
UPDATE: I hear some good news from Jane Dysart on SLA2005 wireless - I'm told SLA is trying to find a sponsor to cover the costs (the conference centre has extensive wireless infrastructure, but they charge a hefty price to make it available). If YOU would like to sponsor, I'd be happy to pass that info along. Regular SLP readers may recall that I suggested the idea of wireless sponsorship a while ago.