Jon Udell rocks my world.
I particularly like the casual way he says "I wrote a script to access my Amazon Wish List, check if the books are available in my local library, and make an RSS feed of the available books that I suck into Bloglines."
Overall he explains and shows far more clearly than I ever could how you can use web page re-writing to get your content where your users are. (Taking LibraryLookup a step beyond to inserting links directly into Amazon result pages.) He even takes an additional leap, doing pre-resolving of information. What do I mean by that? Most current resolver implementations have a button you click, and then that gives you some links, and then, maybe, you finally find out if the thing is actually available. But Udell clearly sees that the computer should do all this work. If the book is available, he shows a link. If it's not, he doesn't show a link.
The whole thing is bloody brilliant.
Jon Udell: Content, services, and the yin-yang of intermediation