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May 02, 2005


Thanks for your feedback about JotSpot. Sorry you found our permissions model confusing. You are correct that in the current release it only supports narrowing. We have gotten a lot of feedback about this, so we'll support a more flexible model in an upcoming release. Contact us if you're interested in trying an early beta version of that feature when it's ready. WRT page locking: we discourage a strategy where writers overwrite other simultaneous edits, but we do permit it by allowing users to break the lock. So you can either have an optimistic model or a pessimistic model.

Thanks again for the feedback, please contact us with any further questions or concerns.

My main (and not trivial) complaint with seed wiki is that it locks if you don't update it for 30 days. It's pretty easy to forget to updated it -- they don't send you an e-mail or anything -- just poof! It's there, but you have to pay $20 to get it reinstated.

BTW- is an SLA 2005 wiki forthcoming?

Hi Richard,

I'm sorry that you found XWiki's permission model so confusing ! I bet a good part of that negative experience is due to lack of documentation (although there are some good examples of how to do that right on the permissions page) and our current user interface which although simple, does allow you to set up a site with a complex policy. We will be very happy to announce just such a site with over 25.000 users going online very shortly as things scale up. So please stay in tune at the xwiki blog :


To finish up on that topic, please note that you can set rights on the whole wiki, a space (which is simply a namespace), or down on an individual document.

Concerning, multi editing, our current model is similar to SeedWiki but our next release which is also coming up in the next few days includes a locking feature which simply warns you if another user seems to be editing a page, but you can ignore that and fall back to the current model.

Please let me know if I can help you with any of those issues and thank you for your feedback. This is very important to us in making XWiki a better platform.

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