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May 27, 2005


Dang, I wish I had come up with the term "taggravation" during the cil2005 debacle. It even sounds like my kind of neologism.

oops. You might have to actually claim a blog to have it really show up. In any case, I just claimed the dpam blog so hopefully it will move up.

Technorati will report new links to my site, but won't update the number of links it found.

That's Taggravating.

I've been taggins for a few weeks now and I don't think I've ever had technorati take longer than maybe a day to index. (I did have some trouble, for a time, but I think that had to do with ping-o-matic moreso than technorati)
I've been checking, and most of the time it updates within 20 minutes or so. I think it's been a little funky since the new site design came out of beta yesterday. I only wish the technorati site itself would go faster... I shouldn't have to wait 30 seconds for a search.

I've been trying for weeks to get Technorati to index my site, without any luck, or any response to my e-mails.

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