Digital Peer Publishing
DiPP Fedora-based system for Open Access eJournals (PowerPoint)
Jochen Schirrwagen
- foundation of new and expansion of existing scientific electronic journals
- customizable workflow within a common publication system [including peer review]
- fast, open and transparent digital peer publishing
Components and Middleware
- Peer Review System (external component)
- from Peer Review System via LDAP auth to Plone-based Publication System
- from Peer Review System via OAI to DiPP Services Fedora-based Repository
- from DiPP to Publishing system via SOAP
currently using Fedora 1.2
challenge: external peer review, Plone-based publishing
want: at least appearance of one unified system
Publication Pipeline: includes Repository Engine, Conversion Engine, Publication Engine
therefore DiPP Services
* Conversion Service
- uses commercial tool to get to DocBook XML, then XSLT to transform to HTML and even PDF
(convert XML to LaTeX using XSLT then to PDF?)
* URN service
- persistent identifier for journals, articles, supplementary material
* Distribution Service
- registration for OAI harvesting
- RSS feeds
- email alerts
also had to build Hierarchy Service because of limitations in Fedora version 1
Fedora - is it good enough?
- highly modularized
- versioning of datastreams
- addition of own metadata formats
- added metadata in own formats not searchable
- inconsistent versioning of API-A (Access) and API-M (Management) from Fedora 1 to Fedora 2
would be good to have a pool of common services
Summary and Outlook
- workflow-based publication system
- extended services on top of Fedora
Next Steps
- DINI certification (German centre for network information)
- full-text indexing via FAST search engine
- improvement of usability