A hijillion people will be posting this, but anyway:
If you're seeing a bunch of http://www.google.com/url?sa=D&q=(a URL) links in your web hits, they're probably coming from Google Blog Search (which breaks the ability to see what people were searching for).
How does Blog Search work? Blog Search indexes blogs by their site feeds, which will be checked frequently for new content. This means that Blog Search results for a given blog will update with new content much faster than standard web searches. Also, because of the structured data within site feeds, it is possible to find precise posts and date ranges with much greater accuracy.
What search operators are supported? All of the standard Google Search operators are supported in Blog Search. These include:
* link:
* site:
* intitle:Additionally, Blog Search supports the following new operators of its own:
* inblogtitle:
* inposttitle:
* inpostauthor:
* blogurl:
Above info from Google Blog Search Help.