Access Management projects at LSE (PERSEUS and ShibboLEAP)
John Paschoud, LSE (London School of Economics)
an institutional (university library) perspective on cost, benefits, etc.
[some history]
- "a big database table with 3 million rows and 300 columns" (somewhat facetiously)
- LSE Shib-IdP had been previously established
- used to explore
= access to end-user info systems
= [other things I missed]
PERSEUS relationships
* used to bind 4 different internal systems, and then with others: uportal, Internet2, JISC, Endeavor,
WebCT, SITS...
* relationships with other projects:
DART (Digital Anthropology Resources for Teaching),
nereus (sharing economics resources), ShibboLEAP
LSE is in lots of federations
Terms of content licenses
* Initial scoping audit of LSE Library e-resources management and current e-licensing situation
* Active participation in Meridian (Endeavor e-resources management)
* Active particpation in major e-licensing initiatives
* Joint PERSEUS / NEREUS study of e-resources Access Management terms (across 6 Euro countries)
Looked at roles of users
[list of roles]
Some challenges
* slow progress with Signet/Grouper, uPortal, and WebCT
* need for a central UK (or wider) database of standard licenses for major suppliers that reflects
Shib-usable (eduPerson) attribs
Alumni groups as Virtual Organisations
[list, challenges]
* get the UK Shibboleth ball rolling, something about access to Eprints repository? ~150k people
* Role-based access in open archives: who is permitted to do what
* creates IdPs sitting on existing infrastructures at the organizations
* enables Eprints as Shib SP
Project Management
* Regular Library AND IT staff at each site
* High-level buy-in
* Focussed Project Management Board
- defined tasks for each meeting (one thing for them to decide)
Shibbing Eprints
* AuthN: easy
* AuthZ: not so easy
Benefits include
* other institutions can use this as the basis for their Shib IdP projects
a bunch of URLs including