Dave Pollard has some very insightful writing about tech watch and other knowledge management challenges. He contacted me to point out his summary of a talk he's presented to the Canadian Research Knowledge Network (CRKN) and C2: Connect and Collaborate meetings recently.
how to save the world: Knowledge Sharing and Collaboration 2015
I particularly liked the following quote, which is something I encounter again and again - it's not the technology, it's the people and the culture that are the challenges, and we have to be realistic: adapt to the way people work, don't try to get them to adapt to the technology.
The challenges we face today in getting people to share what they know and to collaborate effectively are not caused or cured by technologies, they are cultural impediments. It's extremely difficult to change people's behaviours (they usually exist for a reason), so the solutions we find have to accommodate these behaviours, and these cultures, rather than trying to 'fix' them.