I just noticed that social bookmarking site linkroll.com was just auctioned off on eBay.
I suppose I should also mention that the bookmark dates on linkroll.com have been wrong I think for as long as I have been using it. 02 Nov 2004 seems to be a popular date on the system, even for bookmarks I just made.
So the next question becomes: can one get one's bookmarks off of linkroll.com easily?
As far as I can tell, the answer is no.
You could of course either go through and save page copies of the bookmarks display, or write some code to crawl your pages and suck up the bookmarks.
The creator appears to be Charles Coxhead, who writes in Surfarama
I developed linkroll on a whim a while back now, and if someone else wants to take it over that would be great.
Welcome to the world of "free" Web 2.0 services.
Linkrol doesn't have any kind of API, so the only way to get your bookmarks out is to use the RSS feeds which exist for all users and tags (categories) and combination thereof.
And thanks for the heads up on the date issue, I have honestly never noticed that before and no one has ever said anything...should be any easy fix.
Posted by: Charles | November 27, 2005 at 11:35 PM