I learned some new HTML today.
This is kind of cool because it's possible it's the first HTML I have learned since like, 1994.
<acronym title="Service-Oriented Architecture">SOA</acronym>
In both Firefox and IE the title text will be displayed when you hover over the acronym, however in IE there is no markup to indicate that. In Firefox it gets a dotted black underline. Example below
This gives me a side excuse to explain why Semantic Web and Structured Blogging are doomed.
These projects are just the latest attempt at the goals of SGML.
The main goal is roughly "if only humans would mark up everything they write with helpful descriptive information, it would make it a lot easier for machines to understand".
The problem is, people don't even use the existing HTML markup tags to add meaning to their web pages.
You can already use <abbr>, <acronym>, <address>, <cite>, <code>, <dl> <dt> <dd>, <kbd>, <q> <blockquote>, <samp> ... but no one uses these to mark up their pages. I predict that people will continue not to do this.
I have a suggestion: make the machines smarter.