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January 28, 2006


Thanks for the comment, I will add your idea about Amazon/local data to my ToDo list. If you (will) have other ideas, don't hesitate to tell me :)

P.S. Did you see MyFilmz ? I'm trying to build a better user interface there, and then copy it to Reader2 and MyProgs

P.S. If you have other ideas for a revenue model, I'll be glad to hear that too. I made it mainly because I missed a service like that personally, I don't want to make it pay-per-use thing, IMHO it should be open to anybody - that leaves me with only one option to compensate hosting expenses... (as I see it, maybe you have other ideas)

I really like your suggestion about the Amazon tagging, and have linked to it from my own blog (url shoud be above this comment...)
I hope the idea gets picked up.

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