Dose was out today with a set of articles about urban wireless, including a brief look at the current situation in Vancouver, Edmonton, Calgary, Ottawa, and Toronto.
Despite its reputation as a high-tech centre, Ottawa is a little behind other cities. But it’s catching up, says one wireless providers. “I think people are increasingly getting comfortable with that kind of service,” said Tom Camps, of BOLDstreet Wireless, which operates about 1,000 hot spots. There hasn’t been a huge push from the municipal government to create a city-wide wireless network, but another company, Telecom Ottawa, has installed numerous outdoor transmitters in the downtown core to create wireless zones.
— Meagan Fitzpatrick/Dose Ottawa
As a side geeky note, um Dose? Story ID MVDCvrHol6X1u1ST%2bYcn2x/bDZ9TnCciK9STXbmD/RvsHgvwoMp2bw== ?
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