All conferences I plan to attend:
iCal (e.g. copy and paste this link into Mac iCal Calendar->Subscribe... )
subscribe to this calendar (within Google Calendar)
Just Access 2006 as a single subscribable event
text=Access 2006 library conference
location=11 Colonel By Drive, Ottawa, ON
details=Capitalize on Access 2006 to weather the information technology storm
sprop=name:Access 2006
Event construction per
Syntax note: in order to have an all-day event series, you must end it one day AFTER the actual event, i.e. the syntax is FROM... TO... without including the TO date. So to make the even from the 11th to the 14th, I have to put the end date as the 15th.
It's interesting that Google recommends creating a URL that is not technically valid. All of the spaces and characters in it are supposed to be escaped according to the URL syntax.
In Mac OS X 10.4, Safari saves the iCal link as "basic.ics", which if you double-click will open iCal and ask you to add it to an existing or new calendar. Note: it is not a dynamic feed, just an added set of calendar events. Firefox doesn't know what to do with it: it just sees it as a text/calendar file. It will not save it with any extension by default.
You can subscribe to it, but only by manually doing it within iCal (copy the link and paste it into Calendar->Subscribe... )