A brief side trip to the environment and green power.
If you're in Ontario, you may not be aware that you can buy green power. You don't have to change anything, other than who gets your money - there are no wiring changes or anything required.
I'm switching to Bullfrog
Bullfrog Power is the first 100% green electricity retailer in Ontario. Clean power is here. It's reliable. And making the switch is simple.
Bullfrog Power is the only electricity retailer in Ontario that buys power exclusively from wind and low-impact hydro generators who meet or exceed the federal government's Environmental Choice Program EcoLogo standard for renewable electricity.
There are a number of other options, some are listed at
(Ontario) Electricity Choices - Green Power Suppliers
I was reminded to look into this when I was checking the Green Power list at the back of Tim Flannery's The Weather Makers (or see the Canadian website) - it's a nice touch they put a Canadian-specific page in the book.
Some other sites listed there are
- EnerWorks solar water heating
- GreenHeat enviro heating and cooling systems
- Ontario Sustainable Energy Association
- Positive Power Co-op
I find myself in good company I guess, as Richard Branson is reading the book right now (err, not my copy).
The Toronto Star had a full-page article on global warming yesterday - We are running out of time.
It points to the National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy (NRTEE) site, which has lots of info.
There are various other relevant web sites including
- Ontario Ministry of Energy - Renewable Energy FAQs
- Ontario Power Authority - Conservation Bureau
April 22, 2006 Tim Flannery on climate change, and other Ottawa Earth Day writers