Chris Anderson's article based on his new book, The Long Tail: Why the Future of Business Is Selling Less of More is in the July 2006 Wired, and has just been released online today:
The Rise and Fall of the Hit
He's been blogging about his ideas as he worked on his book at
The original article that launched the whole project was in the October 2004 Wired: The Long Tail.
He's presented a couple times to ALA audiences, most recently at ALA 2006 in New Orleans
You can check out part of his presentation, The Long Tail of Books (PowerPoint).
I also dug up a few blog reports on his presentation (I still think finding conference presentation notes should be easier - there should be not only a tag for the conference, e.g. ALA2006, but also provide a tag from your presentation, e.g. longtailala2006). (UPDATE 2006-07-09: Should be ala2006anderson, based on my new tagging principles.)
- LKNOLA - D R A F T: The Long Tail: The Internet, Culture, and the Mega-Store
- PLA Blog - The Long Tail
- - Cutting off The Long Tail?
- SJCPL blog - The Long Tail by Chris Anderson
- UPDATE 2007-07-08: ALA TechSource - The Long Tail Wags the Dog ENDUPDATE
You may be able to find more reports from other ALA 2006 conference bloggers.
I should have more to say about his book in a few weeks.
UPDATE 2006-07-07: Chris Anderson also has a different, brief piece in the the July 2006 Wired, about "People Power" as a top trend.
Now we have armies of amateurs, happy to work for free. Call it the Age of Peer Production.
Just referenced your posting in mine of the same topic. Comment in lieu of trackback ability. Thanks for all the good extra links and info.
Posted by: Stephen Anthony | July 14, 2006 at 10:44 AM