I hope I have the attribution right, I think it's Thomas Brevik, anyway, from the Talis Podcast on mashups
... something I've been thinking a lot about in this kind of context is that especially in small rural communities where the library is small and you have a lot of fairly large personal collections around, what if people could integrate their LibraryThing holdings with the public library holdings, and if somebody wanted to borrow a personal... an item that was in a personal librarym the library could facilitate that by telling the person owning the book that someone was interested in it ... you could deliver it as a library, and the person can borrow it and the library would do all the logistics. I think that would extend the library in smaller communities where the library has a great service but not a great collection.
January 12, 2006 the hidden library, the P2P library, recommendations, and gettin' it on