Ya I know, me all these years without an iPod an all, you'll have to take away my blazer badge from the League of Early Adopters.
Anyway, in perhaps the worst bit of timing ever, I received my iPod nano on Thursday, August 10.
I bought it specifically to listen to audiobooks and podcasts on an upcoming flight, transiting London Heathrow.
As I'm sure you know by now, all electronic devices, including iPods, have been banned from carry-on for all flights transiting London Heathrow, as of Thursday August 10.
They are currently even banning books, which is going to make for a loooooong flight.
Anyway, I have to admit I was amazed when I checked into the available podcast content.
I got 1GB of storage. "I'll never fill 1GB," I thought. I filled it in about half an hour of selecting podcasts. So much high-quality content, available for free.
There is only one minor detail, which is that it's unclear when I will have time to listen to a day worth of podcasts. On the daily bus ride, its my opportunity to read. I'm not particularly keen on multitasking that time. I tried getting podcasts in Bloglines before, but I never managed to listen to them. As far as I can tell, they're going to need to add a new day to the week, called Podcastday, just for me to have time to listen.
(or see larger image with complete details)
If you don't know Big Ideas, I recommend it highly. Since I always miss it on TV, this may give me a chance to actually hear some of it. Robert Adams does amazing book reviews for them.
His review of The Kite Runner (iTunes podcast link), which I saw on TV, sent me to my computer immediately to buy it.