Claudia Niederee, Thomas Risse
e-Science: A knowledge based vision
e-Science in Transition
* a broader look now beyond just grid and storage
Digitial Libraries
* have meanwhile reached a certain maturity
Possibly synergies
* E-science funcitonality as a natural extension of the scientific digital library
* learn from DL experiences and best practices
* reduce the risk of "re-inventing the wheel"
Comments: Grid not a good match for libraries - collaboration is key, where we can participate.
Goal: scientific working place of the future that enables focusing on creative tasks -
knowledge-based e-Science infrastructure
Future Directions:
* From digital content to innovation resources (Resources)
* From document classification to domain and market understanding (Context)
* From collaboration tools to virtual teams (Collaboration)
* From digital libraries to virtual research environments (Interaction)
- also intelligent services that take over routine tasks from the research
* From provision of documents to active support of creativity (Creativity)
- extremely difficult to support with info. technology
* From information provision to support of the innovation process (Process)
Have to have lots of flexibility to support creativity.
Example: Systematic Re-use of Innovation Resources
Innovation Resources
* Tools and Services
* Expertise
* Scientific data
* Scientific documents
* Methods
* Encourage the re-use of resources
* Discover adequate resources within the current working context
* Consideration of existing rights of use
* Automate the description of resources where possible
Rachel - citations and linking to data
* Establishment of an annotation pipeline for the (semi) automatic enrichment of resources
(scientific data and services)
From data to enriched data (by describing the data with the programs, methods and parameters used to create it).
Needed: Pipeline for (semi) automatic enrichment - domain specific
Ontologies and models for the description
Extended editors for data integration
e-Science Architecture Blueprint
FRESCO = Fraunhofer e-Science Cockpit
Fraunhofer is very large, distributed organization - 58 institutes, 12400 employees
Fraunhofer e-Science Vision
* Support of the scientific innovation process for applied research by providing
[long list of things]
* Seamless and traceable integration of scientific data into the publication process
* Development of the Fraunhofer e-Science Infrastructure
Idea of e-Science Cockpit: Navigation within the innovation space
* Integration basis for tech with content
* Provide base services and standardized interfaces
* Scalable and extensible
Did a big study with a questionnaire, as part of strongly user-oriented technology design
Found a high readiness for sharing data
- Adequate technology launch
- Stepwise integration into the working process