Andreas Aschenbrenner, Peter Gietz, Marc Wilhelm Küster, Christoph Ludwig and Heike Neuroth
TextGrid - a modular platform for collaborative textual editing
BMBF e-Science Programme
* 2005-2009
* 100 institutions
* 100 million Euros
* focuses
- elearning
- d-grid
- knowledge networking
TextGrid - a community grid for the humanities
combined metadata, annotations, etc. on German documents
Planning - Digitisation - Annotation - Publication
demo of Anjo Anjewierden's work
TextGrid goal is to build
* an open adaptable extensible infrastructure
4 layers of TextGrid
* tools
* services
* middleware
* Resources (texts)
both a grid-connected portal, and a portable rich client
Text Archives
* standard-based, modular, open
* Web Services: registration, workflow, exposure
* Data grid
* Service grid
* Information Services
* AAI - GridShib
His question:
* where can we find common components?
Q: Can we see the rich client?
A: Not yet, we plan to build it on Eclipse