Leonardo Candela, Donatella Castelli, Christoph Langguth, Pasquale Pagano, Heiko Schuldt, Manuele Simi and Laura Voicu
On-Demand Service Deployment and Process Support in e-Science DLs: the DILIGENT Experience
(Also see notes from tutorial Distributed Infrastructures for Digital Libraries.)
* research is multidisciplinary and co-operative effort
* may use a virtual resource organization that doesn't last a long time or have DL expertise
* but the DL is an important tool
DELOS view: from DL to Knowledge Commons
* from content-centric to person-centric
* from info storage to communication and collaboration support
* from centrally-located text to distributed and heterogenous data sources
New DL development model
* DL built by dynamically aggregating the needed resources
* new functionality combined in user-defined workflows
Service-Oriented Architecture over Grid Framework
[complex diagram]
* New functionality delivered by workflows of services
Services Overview
* Mediation
* Information Space Management
* Access
* User and Resource Management
* Presentation
- user-oriented access point to the DL
- plug and play community-specific tools
- [something about JSR168 portlets and other stuff]
* Enabling
- monitoring, other operations domain functions
Service Detail
* the Keeper Service
- deploy and monitor user-defined virtual DLs
* the Information Service
- gathers, stores and supplies information about the resources constituting DILIGENT
and needed to the other services
- XML-based resource profiles
- push and pull modalities i.e. query and subscribe/notify
Process Design and Validation
Implement complex services by combining existing ones, a.k.a. "programming in the large"
* control flow
* data flow
* transaction behavior and execution guartees for concurrency and failure handling
* XML, SOAP and WSDL as technologies
* BPEL as a foundation for process specification
[diagram of tool]
Process Execution
* built on top of OSIRIS
* runs BPEL tasks?