Tutorial 5
Carl Lagoze and Sandy Payette
[raw presentation notes]
Also see my notes from last year's European Fedora User Meeting.
They are tagged under EuroFedora2005.
* Intro
* Digital Objects
* Repository Service
* 15:45 Service Framework in Focus
=== Break ===
* 16:00 Semantic Web and RDF
* RDF and Fedora
* Case Study: NSDL
* Future Directions
Problem Space
* Complex, compound, dynamic objects
* From Documents to Integrated Information Networks
"a network-based scholarly communications system"
Repositories situated at intersection of key social and technical trends
Technical Context:
* Web 2.0
* Semantic Web
Sampling of Fedora Community
* ARROW and DART - Australia
*** eSciDoc - Max Planck
* DRC - OhioLink
* Danish Technical University (DTU)
* Wegener Institute, Polar/Marine, Germany
Are there IR clients for Fedora?
** Fez http://sourceforge.net/projects/fez "DSpace plus"
* VALET http://www.valet.vtls.com/
* Elated http://elated.sourceforge.net/
Digital Object Model
Disseminators - metadata about things you can use [my summary] - a disseminator can tell Fedora how
to connect to a Web Service, but a disseminator is not a Web Service itself
Fedora Repository Service
* Exposes through SOAP and REST:
- Manage (Ingest, Export, Validate, Version)
- Access (Get)
- Registry Search
- Resource Index
Fedora Security Architecture
[various stuff]
* Shibboleth-to-Fedora servlet filter
XACML Policy
Preservation Support
[various stuff]
* Preservation Support Services (forthcoming 2006-2007) - being defined by working group
There are some performance limitations in triple-stores
- Fedora uses the Kowari triple-store
- NSDL is storing ~200 million triples?
Fedora and the Semantic Web
* exposing repository as a network of objects
- relationships
- query the graph; discovery of related stuff
* indexing based on generalizable data model
* extensible enrichment of object descriptions
* inferencing from structure of graph
What are the applications?
* Digital libraries with structured objects
* Publishing Systems
- Journals with Articles
* eScience
- Text with Datasets
* Semantic networks
[There was more but I switched back to the other workshop.]
== end ==