Alvin Toffler has big ideas, so it's entirely appropriate that he launches the season at TVO's Big Ideas.
Season Premiere: Alvin Toffler | Mark Kingwell
ON AIR: Saturday, October 07 [2006] - 05:00 AMBIG IDEAS begins its sixth season with someone who ought to be familiar to many, if not by name, then by the title of the book he and his wife penned about 35 years ago: Future Shock. The co-author, Alvin Toffler, came through Toronto recently promoting the latest book in which the Tofflers again divine the shape of things to come. The book's title is Revolutionary Wealth and is an attempt to show how our traditional economic categories are subject to changes wrought by digital technologies. If you suffer from future shock already, this talk is not likely to assuage it.
His talk is already in the Big Ideas podcast.
Or you can get it through iTunes - Big Ideas podcast September 30, 2006 Alvin Toffler.
August 03, 2006 my review of The Long Tail