The final two Globe Wikinomics articles are up.
Part 6: The Global Plant Floor
Part 7: Mass collaboration unleashes 'Us' power
Mostly more about the wonders of mass collaboration.
I think the book probably should have been called Mass Collaboration (in their defense, that is part of the subtitle they chose).
The authors use "wiki" to mean... mass collaboration of any kind, e.g.
Smart firms understand that harnessing mass collaboration in the workplace is about more than the company blog. They're getting a jump start on the wiki workplace by leveraging the same brand of self-organization that powers some of the Web's most exciting entities.
Plus which, if you think people spontaneously self-organize, you're dreaming.
If you want to see spontaneous self-organization on the net, look at any unmoderated forum and watch it rapidly decline into flamewars and spam. Think of how many meetings and brainstorming sessions you've been in that demonstrated the negative power of anti-self-organization, as topics drifted and inputs clashed until you couldn't even remember what you started discussing in the first place.
All of the successful projects that people love to cite as exemplars, such as Amazon, Wikipedia, Linux, these are all examples of highly managed self-organization.