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February 23, 2007


Apparently, if you convert your mp3 to wav format you could use it as a ring-tone.

Hey. You mention that you can download free MP3's from sony. How and where exactly?

Thanks for the full detailed review. Your post helped convince me to try out this fantastic phone. In the US, currently you can take advantage of a lot of the data services using T-mobiles 6$ per month simple data plan. I use RSS feeds all the time, sync my Google Calendars with GooSync, check yahoo mail, sync my contacts with Yahoo address book, stream music from internet radio stations, use it as a Bluetooth modem. The A2DP wireless stereo Bluetooth is good too -- range is about 10 feet though with the MBR-100 receiver I am using.

Re-found your post while researching 'geotagging photos with k790a', and I'm still wondering if there is any way to get a lat/long coordinate using the phones e911 capabilities. GPS is probably the one feature that I may additionally want in my next phone. But maybe my next GPS device will have Bluetooth :)

I think the one problem of a device that does soo much, is the joystick is probably going to wear out before I am ready for a new phone -- Guess I should stop playing old nintendo games using the vampent vNes emulator!

Just a side note.. I got this phone for Christmas, not terribly impressed with the camera however for quick "check this out" pictures it's more than good enough.

Major downer: Email is no longer supported by Rogers on anything other than a PDA and/or without a business account (or so they told me after much fighting with settings etc). If I really NEED email, I can use the browser to go check it, GRRRRRR
I read in your article that blogging isn't supported by Rogers either,thanks--saves me more arguing!
The "Blog THis" link WAS there originally, however in the quest for email I foolishly upgraded the phone and since then that option is no longer there.. hmmmmmmm!

Another creepy Rogers issue: tried to download a game (yes, for the right phone!) off the Sony Ericsson website... got as far as finding it, get all ready to go, & phone tells me "File type not supported by this phone" Am thinking it's another Rogers issue, as the one I tried from THEIR site works fine.... hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm again!

All in all, it's a neat little package though and it does save me from lugging my fancy camera around "just in case".

Great, concise! Question for you: I bought a used k790c after losing my new K790a. I did not realize the difference ie: chineese and lack of updates, it seems to be an older version, and a chineese version. I updated my software via the internet, no difference. Anyway I can convert my k790c into a k790a?????? I miss my Java application for my music and many, many more better features which come standard on the K790a. Damn! Did I make the wrong decision or can I fix this to better resemble my k790a, please, please help me and thanks so, so very much friend! Steve in Toronto. [email protected] PS>>>>>I'm with Rogers too, on a 3 year contract, no upgrades available to me, I bought this one from a guy on Craigslist for $150 before I came home and examined it. HELP.

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