Ulrich presented a very interesting open review model for publications, unfortunately his talk was a bit rushed due to factors outside his control. Definitely an approach worth investigating further.
Ulrich Pöschl - Max Planck Society
"Interactive open access publishing and collaborative peer review for improved scientific communication and quality assurance"
* many motivations to do open access
- improve scientific quality assurance
with OA you can do collaborative peer review
problems with scientific publications
- fraud
- carelessness
speed vs quality
- but then neglect thorough review
Two-stage OA publication with collaborative peer review
* they [the journals] are financially viable
* they have good impact factor
Bernard F. Schultz - Albert Einstein Institute - Future styles? of assessment
- OA to high quality scientific publications
- documentation of scientific discussion (e.g. publish referee comments)
- demonstration of transparency and rationalism
- prescribe OA to publically funded research
- transfer funds for subscription to OA
- foster OA publishing and collaborative peer review
- mere access is not enough (need to get all layers, data etc.)
- evaluate individual papers
- refine statistical parameters for citation, downloads, usage, interactive commenting and rating
Thanks for the advertisement ;)
My last project launched one year ago is a portal for open access (or free access) e-journals dealing with geosciences (geography, palaeontology, geophysics, ...).
... There are currently 36 members. I named it the "Geoscience e-Journals" Portal
Posted by: Bruno Granier | June 30, 2007 at 02:55 PM