Eric Kansa
Alexandria Archive Inst, Univ of Santa Clara, Berkeley, CA, USA
An open context for small-scale field science data
Open Context
[will move to UCBerkley School of Information - Services]
* small/field sciences
- lack of standards
* challenges
- data preservation
- data access and reuse
- data integration and synthesis
materials collections & field research data -> Open Context -> dissemination (common services)
complex querying
* data from multiple projects can be queried together
citation information with stable URL
COinS microformat - readble by Zotero
working on tools to allow individuals to publish their own material through Open Context
currently using version of AchaeoML -> so data sets require mapping to this schema
* can tag items
* can tag the results of queries
* support ping-backs (trackbacks)
folksonomies are easy to use and effective
Future Directions
- distributed architecture / web services [with UC Berkeley]
* Your collaboration