Denis Jérome - CNRS, Académie des Sciences
"Evaluation based on scientific publications: experiences in physics"
* public funding is needed for basic research
* evaluation is needed
* can one use publications to evaluate research
[chart showing 64% of (european) physics letters published in US]
* Europe is the first (largest) contributor to physics publications
* yet EU is a minor actor for scientific publications
A Mandatory Plurality
* an overwhelming concentration is dangerous
* need a variety of editorial policies
The need for evaluation
* peer review [of grants, and scientists]
* but also bibliometrics
* e.g. Impact Factor
IF is an indicator for publishers
*** misuse of IF for individual evaluation ***
Nature: 25% of articles receive 90% of citations
Nature & Science only have small number of physics papers therefore:
ban IF for evaluation
IF is about journal popularity, not about the actual citations
Need indications about quality
Physicists publish mostly in small number of journals listed in Web of Science
Google Scholar
ISI Thomson
Hirsh Index: H
Leo Egghe, 2006 "G" index
analysis: G seems to be more reliable than H
Grain of Salt
* clean scientist names [need unique scientist numbers]
* self-citations
* team work
* negative citations
* cronyism
* quality of citations
must be handled by scientists