Jerry Sheehan - National Library of Medicine
"Research Evaluation: Evolving policies and practices for assessing impact"
The changing policy context for research evaluation
* Growing recognition of links between science, innovation, economic growth, health etc.
* Increased emphasis on evaluation of institutions and their research output
OECD Main Science and Technology Indicators
Changes in Governance of Public Research
* from funding basic research... to governing the science system
- increased priority setting
- increasing role of business and social groups
- new types of funding schemes
- targetting of collaborative activities
- new missions for research organisations
- contributions to industry and society
- knowledge translation
Increased emphasis on all levels of evaluation
- ex-ante, ex-post and in-process
- incorporation of evaluation results into policy making
Types of S&T Indicators are changing
- outputs and quality measures
- process indicators
- outcomes and impacts
Measuring Agency/Government Funding Impact
- does it change the research that is done, e.g. more challenging research
Evaluation at NIH
- Office of Portfolio Analysis and Strategic Objectives (OPASI)
* Office of Extramural Research
- Database to track grants from start to finish
Institutional and disciplinary archives a key element
* NLM's PMC and NIH Public Access Policy
* Knowledge infrastructure