Jan Brase
German National Library of Science and Technology (TIB), Hannover, Germany
A system for easy access to scientific information using DOIs
* publications are based on scientific data sets that cannot be accessed
* collecting data is not honoured with scientific reputation
We need
* a persistent identifier
* enabling citations of data
* URL where data can be accessed, plus XML file of biblio metadata including info
needed for citation of electronic media (ISO 690-2)
TIB assigns a DOI
More Scientific Content with DOIs
* radiology case studies
* Eurographics grey literature
* eBank from UK Office for Library Networking - DOIs for crystal structures
* CERN theses
* final reports of projects funded by the German government
* TIB will register primary data worldwide from an STM background
* plus any scitech content that is a result of community funded research in Europe
* Depending on number of DOIs the price per DOI is from 0.5 to 0.005 euros
DOI registration could be added into scientific workflow, or publishing workflow
* the first 500,000 objects have been registered
* some are in the current catalogue
* each registered object will be accessed via a new catalogue at the library
* share the responsibility
* worldwide union of local technical libraries to establish a global non-commercial scientific
DOI registration agency
* join us
Q: relationship to VASCODA?
A: Not yet
Q: Why DOIs and not URLs
A: URL might go away, DOI will always resolve to something (there is a global DOI resolver)