Michael Geist has a piece in the Ottawa Citizen and various other papers, as well as on his website on the high price of mobile (cellphone) data in Canada.
For example, Rogers - Canada's sole GSM provider and therefore the only telecom company currently equipped to offer the iPhone - offers a starter data plan that provides 1.5 megabytes of data per month for $15 (each additional MB is $21). Since that is not even enough data to download a single high-resolution photograph, most consumers presumably opt for more. The company's biggest data plan provides 500 MB, yet costs $210 per month - far beyond the reach of most consumers.
This pricing, which is comparable to plans found with Bell and Telus, is not close to competitive internationally.
He has additional commentary in his blog
For example, consumers in Lithuania can purchase an unlimited data plan for less than $3.00 per month, while similar plans can be had in the Netherlands and France for under $15.00 per month. In fact, Canada not only trails the U.S. and Western Europe, but Eastern European countries such as Poland and Romania, Asian countries such as Malaysia, and African countries such as Rwanda all offer unlimited monthly data plans for less than $50.
June 26, 2007 outrageous cellphone data charges, the sequel: roaming