flight from: Ottawa, ON [Macdonald-Cartier International Airport], Canada, YOW
flight to: San Francisco, CA [San Francisco International Airport], USA, SFO
return, economy
flight distance: 7865 km
flight passengers: 1
CO2 Emissions: 1,771 t (that's European notation, so 1.771 tonnes)
SFr 71 (equals $62 Canadian)
I use MyClimate.
I should probably offset the long taxi rides to and from the airport, as well as the fairly long bus ride plus I'm fairly sure the bus was idling as it waited for enough people to arrive. But I'm not so keen on offsetting automotive sins as I have never owned a car and live downtown so that I (almost) never have to drive anywhere.
I was surprised that Google had bottled water. I don't know whether it's true that it takes "3 liters of water to produce one liter of bottled water" (Pacific Institute) but it certainly can't be good to raise a generation of people who think it's better to drink branded water out of a throwaway plastic bottle than to fill a glass from a tap or bend over a water fountain.
I'd guess that Google has bottled water for the same reason my wife drinks bottled water: Chloramine. The local water supply (and we're about as "local" to Google as it gets) changed from chlorine to chloramine a year or two ago.
Chlorine will dissipate from water in the fridge after a day or so; chloramine, never. The water doesn't taste as good as Hetch Hetchy water should...and my wife wonders about health issues as well. We're told the shift to chloramine is a Very Good Thing...but not if you're drinking the water. I still do, but geez, bottled water that's just treated tap water from across the bay (e.g., Aquafina, which is absolutely just treated tap water and in our case bottled about 20 miles away) tastes a WHOLE lot better.
Posted by: walt crawford | August 09, 2007 at 12:22 PM