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August 14, 2007


Hi, I'm the Chief (GPS)Babel-head.

Within recent weeks, a developer in Germany contactd me as he's developed a GPSBabel module for the DG-100. He's a Linux developer, but I steered him down a path that should make it work with Mac. The integration got trapped behind the release of GPSBabel 1.3.4 this week, but it likely to be checked in soon. I've had exactly one request to support this unit, so I can't say it's been at the top of my priorities. Get a handful of folks to cover the cost of the hardware (be sure to mention that when they checkout) and I'll buy one and exercise it on Mac.

WBT-201 is in 1.3.4 and works well on Mac. Andy's done a great job on that for us and I now have one to help him support that. I like the size and the way it interfaces over the Bluetooth in the MBP.

I was under the impression that the reason for the USB changes in 10.4.10 was to improve compatibility with mass storage devices - and Apple's USB group was aware of the Sony problem - so I'm surprised that 10.4.10 didn't help with that.

We also recently added support for the GISTeq format which is just slightly mangled NMEA. That's new in 1.3.4

So most of your wish list should show signs of improvement on GPSBabel 1.3.4 (and thus programs that use GPSBabel under the hood.) The DG-100 work is in progress and needs to be exercised on a Mac. Whether that's done by someone else with the needed hardware working with us or a handful of folks chipping in to cover the hardware costs and me doing it doesn't much matter to me - we've done both many times over the years.

I don't follow this blog, so follow up with me if needed via the GPSBabel lists, please. If you want to contact me privately, firstnamelastname at the org of gpsbabel will do.

I'm reading this a bit late, but I've got one to add (and I have to say this one took a while to find).

A company (one-man, apparently) in New Hampshire is making open-source-ish GPS loggers that log in plain NMEA onto SD cards. I purchased one some time ago, and it works well on my Mac (as well as any system with gpsbabel and a card reader):
It uses the SIRFstar chip, which as far as I understand is among the most accurate available (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SiRFstar_III).

Based on online comments, I recently bought the Qstarz BT-Q1000 32CH & 32HR Bluetooth GPS Data Logger Travel Recorder (Q1000...
Just under $100. It's extremely sensitive--I routinely get fixes inside single-floor California dwellings, which never happened to me with earlier GPS devices. It logs to internal memory, or can be a live GPS via BlueTooth (but I haven't found the software I need for my Palm Treo 650 yet--I want the GPS to link up with Google Maps, not make me download maps from a DVD before my trip). The online discussion recommended it as far superior to the Sony logger. I want to use it to automatically add GPS to the Exifs of photos taken on all of my family's cameras during a trip...

I run it under Parallels/Win XP on my MacBook Pro, but I'd love to have direct Mac support for it as there's otherwise little need for WinXP in my life. How's that coming along??

Just as an update (which I know I promised not to do) the DG-100 support in GPSBabel has exposed a driver defect in the Prolific drivers on Mac. It loses data. A test case has been sent to Globalsat in the hopes they can work with their vendor (Prolific) to get the driver 1.2.1r2 fixed.

Has anyone heard any reviews of the Amod AGL3080? It supposedly is "driverless" and thus will work with a mac. But one onlinne review made the gps tracking seem pretty innaccurate. "Like a drunken sailor."

What is the story with this unit? I'd really like to get a data logger for the holidays to track my ski runs.

The [AMOD AGL3080] problem has been fixed and was reviewed by GPSPassion again lately. You can check the updated review from GPSPassion (http://www.gpspassion.com/forumsen/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=98383)

I have just purchased a ZyCast SG-289. This logs to an SD card, making it fully compatible with Mac OS X and Linux. Review available here: http://www.pocketgpsworld.com/bluetooth_gps_datalogger_review_zycast_sg-289.php

anyone can tell me if the Sony now works in OS X 10.5.2? it's a new update, so maybe it fixed the issues with the sony device.

Still no luck with the Sony CS1 on OSX 10.5.2. I have tried the .kext-hack (http://macgpscs1.blogspot.com/) with no success on an Intel dualcore iMac.

Does anyone work with GPSPhotoLinker on a 10.5 system? I have just upgraded my computer and it is now running 10.5. I have downloaded the stable beta version of GPSPhotoLinker. It is stable, but it doesn'n put the GPS info into my photos (not in JPEG, TIFF nor RAW). Since I think that PhotoGPSEditor is way to complicated and too hard to get a good fix and my experiences with GPSPhotoLinker on a 10.4 system were superb, I am really anxious to get the software to run. Does anyone have a good idea or another good program which does the same? It seems like I am the only one dealing with this problem (I have googled a lot). Thanks in advance.

The Sony stick reportedly works after the 10.5.3 update

We can now add the GlobalSat BT-335 GPS receiver and data logger to the list of Mac-compatible options. The downloadable (soon to be bundled) OS X GlobalSync utility allows log download with conversion to GPX or KML as well as configuration of device settings:


Would anyone suggest what to purchase to track international travel - my wife and I travel a lot and would like to record our travel on a map. The trips range from the antartica, maldives, persian gulf.... Thanks.

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