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August 06, 2007


I had a Sony GPS-CS1 and I plan to buy the Globalsat DG-100. Can u say me how much time you can record data with the memory of the Globalsat?


Just came back from a China trip. Flew from Los Angeles to Hong Kong, Hong Kong to Beijing, Beijina to and from Harbin, then Beijing to Urumqi, then Shanghai to Hong Kong, all tracked by GPS units. I have posted the tracks in everytrail.com. Just search China or Hong Kong.
I brought my Globalsat 359 receiver, Holux M-241, Gisteq and my PDA phone AT&T 8525 with GPSTUNER installed. I could never get my GPS fixed when holding them in my hand next to the window, very disappointed, then I discovered that my 359 could fit in between window and window shade with no effort, and my GPSTUNER does the great job, I was so happy!!!I think DG-100 is little too thick for most planes I flew, except Boeing 737 may be.

I wouldn't recommend placing your GPS directly against the window. If you get a fix on the ground, before takeoff, you should be ok with the GPS sitting on the tray table next to the window. If you wait until the plane is in the air, you may have a hard time getting a fix.

yes, my GPS was fixed before the plane left the gate, then I left it between the window and its shade, thru Bluetooth, I can see the status on my PDA.

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