Participate in this Second Life seminar as Dr Peter Clifton discusses anti-ageing and the prospect of human life extension.
3 September 2007, 2 AM Second Life Time (Pacific timezone)
Examining the prospect of human life extension
Dr Gautam Tendulkar will be discussing how CSIRO is using Second Life to research the limits of virtual worlds, data exchange between worlds and custom interfaces.
17 September 2007, 2 AM Second Life Time (Pacific timezone)
Researching the limits of virtual worlds
both at
ABC Island
a discussion with Phil Holliger from the Medical Research Council Molecular Biology Lab in Cambridge. Phil works with ancient DNA: DNA samples retrieved from specimens of forensic, paleontological or archaeological interest. DNA naturally degrades over time, making it very difficult to amplify and analyse, and Phil will be talking about a new way to more accurately repair the damage, which he recently tried out on a 60,000 year-old cave bear.
13 September 2007 at ?6 PM GMT?
Events on Second Nature and Events on Second Nature (2)
On one of Nature's Second Nature islands in Second Life, presumably.