As I said over a year and a half ago
A lot of science today is very computation and data intense. I think there is a big role for academic libraries as custodians of data and research output.
Science Library Pad - the role of the academic library and librarian - January 13, 2006
Fortunately, there are lots of people thinking about the role of the library in relation to cyberinfrastructure, as well as e-research and publishing.
This month's D-Lib has a number of relevant articles and opinion pieces, including
Library Support for "Networked Science"
Bonita Wilson
Cyberinfrastructure, Data, and Libraries, Part 1: A Cyberinfrastructure Primer for Librarians
Anna Gold, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cyberinfrastructure, Data, and Libraries, Part 2: Libraries and the Data Challenge: Roles and Actions for Libraries
Anna Gold, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
The editorial by Bonita Wilson points to "The Dawn of Networked Science" in The Chronicle for Higher Education (which is not open to read, so no link for them).
I also recommend the August 2007 CTWatch Quarterly, which was on the topic "The Coming Revolution in Scholarly Communications & Cyberinfrastructure".
A reminder that there will be an E-Science track in the upcoming OECD meeting on October 3, 2007.
For more information on this topic, you can see my E-Science category.