There will be an event "OECD-Canada Technology Foresight Forum on the Participative Web: Strategies and Policies for the Future" on October 3, 2007 in Ottawa, Canada, so in slightly under three weeks from now. You still have time to submit your comments as well as to suggest blog links and feeds
---> Participate online <---
There will be 2 official event bloggers who will blog about the event during the meeting. One will be a representative from civil society (ICANN) and one will be from Canada.
Err, the latter would be me. I think the blogging will be on an official OECD site rather than here.
UPDATE 2007-09-30: The blog has gone live. ENDUPDATE
The event will be webcast live as well as archived with transcripts.
There are already some videos submitted by participants, rather confusingly listed under "podcasts", which they are not.
There is an E-Science session in the programme (PDF)
Session 2 STREAM B
Research 2.0: e-Science and new ways of interaction in the science community
Chair: Walter Stewart, Walter Stewart & Associates Inc.
- Andrew Herbert, Managing Director, Microsoft Research, Cambridge, UK
- Bill St. Arnaud, Senior Director Advanced Networks, CANARIE Inc.
- Daniel Atkins, Director, Office of Cyberinfrastructure, National Science Foundation
- Ulf Dahlsten, Director for "Emerging Technologies and Infrastructures", Information Society and Media Directorate-General, European Commission
Check out
for more information.
I also created an Upcoming event and Google calendar entry and am suggesting the tag oecdwebforum2007
Bill St. Arnaud also provided a pointer a while back to the OECD report on this topic
OECD, 12-April-2007, Working Party on the Information Economy - PARTICIPATIVE WEB: USER-CREATED CONTENT (PDF, 888KB)
UPDATE 2007-09-14: I have made a Google Earth KMZ for the conference venue and hotels where the organisers have arranged room availability. You can also view it in Google Maps. I have indicated the location of Canada's Parliament as well. It may be the only Parliament in the world where you can sometimes see people playing frisbee on the front lawn. Note: Don't confuse the Government Conference Centre venue (the old Ottawa Union Station) with the Ottawa Congress Centre, located a block away. Also note in some cases Google is not showing proper street names for downtown Ottawa at the moment.