I honestly don't quite understand this, but I think it is possibly cool
Library Floor Plans 2.0: The Spatial Information Manager for the Library
If I understand it it's a sort of idea about using GIS as a foundational tool for managing a wide variety of information in the library.
Once developed, our GIS-based Spatial Information Manager for the Library could serve a wide range of applications including but not limited to:
• a method for the analysis and optimization of existing space within the Tisch Library
• a tool used to orientate new staff to the Tisch library building
• a real-time high quality map generator
• one-click access to the square footage of any room in the library
• a web-based room locator for patrons attending Author Talks and other events
• a tool advertising the placement and content of exhibits and art galleries within the library
• a database of geo-encoded uniquely identified objects - public access terminals, rooms, etc. - accessed by a web-based graphical user interface
• a searchable query engine showing what software exists on the computers in the library