There will be a session on the Digital Library Federation in Second Life at the forum today (Tues. Nov. 6, 2007), it's not in the programme, it will be at 5 PM, I'm not sure where in the Pine Room on the 3rd floor.
You may be able to join it within SL as well, but I couldn't find the DLF in SL, anyone know where it is? (Remember that for SL you have to give both the island name and the x,y,z as coordinates are not globally unique, they're per-island.) You can send me a teleport (Rakerman Yellowjacket) or use that 20th century technology, email.
UPDATE: The island is called Entropia, you can't find it yet through a places search, but if you bring up the Map and search within that interface, it will come up. ENDUPDATE
You can see Peter Brantley's posting DLF moving into Second Life for some background.