Currently the production & maintenance of library web pages is labor intesive, involving:
* content specialists
* web production staff
* IT staff
* hand-coded HTML
* adding any kind of tools to a page requires special code
This results in a very limiting economy of production:
* we can't modify our pages too often
* we can't have to many pages
Enter Web 2.0
* Netvibes, PageFlakes, iGoogle
* pages are custom-tailored to the user's needs
Can this Web 2.0 model be of use in a research library context?
* yes if
- we develop library-oriented widgets
- if we build a framework that is community oriented (e.g. for a librarian to build pages for
patron use)
Enable a new level of service
- e.g. microsubject pages
[PennVibes Demo]
main focus is on rapid web page development - even to a web page developed to respond to a
specific patron request
Next Steps:
* Release Into Production
* Goal: Progressively replace core library web pages with Pennvibes pages
Longer term:
* more customizable pages
* group maintenance of pages
(but these customizable & maintenance features requires significantly more infrastructure)
* widget interoperability
e.g. Librarian adds a PageFlakes widget to a Pennvibes page and vice-versa
* need for industry standards
* a pool of library widgets from many organisations?