Ran across a couple items on Service-Oriented Architecture provided by EDUCAUSE:
"Service-Oriented Architecture—What Is It, and How Do We Get One?" by Jim Phelps and Brian Busby in EDUCAUSE Quarterly, Vol. 30, No. 3, 2007
And from the Seminars on Academic Computing (SAC) 2007 (August 3-8, 2007)
Session on Service-Oriented Architecture
Charles F. Leonhardt (Georgetown University), Piet Niederhausen (Georgetown University), and Jens Haeusser (The University of British Columbia) - three PowerPoint presentations plus a podcast
The Institutional Challenges of Cyberinfrastructure and E-Research
Clifford A. Lynch - podcast
There is also an EDUCAUSE tag view you can follow:
January 30, 2007 report on [EDUCAUSE] Library Future Roles webcast