Flickr has added stats for Pro Accounts with pretty charts and whatnot, you have to activate it though.
Google Analytics has also updated their stats charting abilities. You'll have to update the JavaScript they provide (on your pages) in order to get the increased capabilities.
Great, more statscrack for hit addicts.
What do you mean, I have to wait until tomorrow for my Flickrstats to be processed? I need my fix now...
Whew, nevermind, trembling madness averted:
In addition to hit stats, Flickr also provides a nice breakdown of photo attributes (tagged/not tagged, geocoded/not geocoded, etc.) - it doesn't show photo vs. screenshot through, which would be a useful one.
Since the new stats provide time-based analysis (including down to the individual photo level - just click on "Photo stats" on a photo's page), it will be a lot easier to get a sense of the changing popularity of your photos - just the raw numbers tended to distort things, as you may get photos that are popular for a couple days and then never clicked on again.
It occurs to me another interesting breakdown would be to see where your Creative Commons photos have been linked / blogged from (and where your fully copyrighted, no public rights photos have been posted, if you're into laying on the smackdown). As well it would be interesting to be able to see whether CC-licensed photos get more traffic on average than no rights ones.