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February 09, 2008


Interesting approach...

I immediately saw it as a Yahoo pipes problem, but the html page is too long to load in to a pipe...

..so i tried a dapp, set up for a map, but that doesn't seem to geocode, though it does give a clunky RSS feed out (it would be better to go in to dapper again and create a dapp that gives a more usefully structured rss feed out - like one that captures the [more] link)


I then passed the dapp rss feed to a pipe that does the geocoding (it could also tidy up the date a bit, as well as cleaning out the null/non-geocoded entries, to produce quite a rich feed along the lines of this MyMaps Geoblogging pipe: http://blogs.open.ac.uk/Maths/ajh59/012936.html):


There are too many items for this feed to work properly, eg using the kml to populate a google map, but it could probably be tweaked easy enough to give items n to m

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