Happened to be checking the conference website and I see that, although it's one year off from its previous 2-year cycle, the International Bielefeld Conference is pre-announced to be back February 3-5, 2009.
Bielefeld University Library will continue its successful series of conferences in early 2009.
Like the previous ones, this conference will provide an international platform for trendsetting and stimulating discussions among customers and providers of information services, especially among scholars, information specialists, publishers, library managers, and patrons.
Well, I know what I'll be adding to this year's list of proposed events (my planning cycle is March-March).
I think it's invitation only though...
I don't know what's best for a tag, I'm going to go with 9ibc for now.
April 28, 2006 conference proceedings: ICSTI eScience, Bielefeld + Taiga + LtF on academic library future
February 15, 2006 roles and challenges for the academic library in e-Science