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March 03, 2008


Well, check out ours http://www.librarything.com/privacy .

We also assert a perpetual, free, transferable non-exclusive license, albeit with a fun quote. Certainly you don't want to be getting royalty invoices because you serve up a tag, put it in a press pack or allow other members to translate it. The copyright aspect is, however, obnoxious. Copyright is very hard to transfer under US law. I don't think Indigo's terms would hold up.

As far as 80k members, membership is not the same thing as involvement. They probably made it very easy to become a "member"—anyone who bought something, for example. Whether they're using it daily? I doubt it.

Excessive terms-of-service are nothing new. In one example that I found over the holiday season, I could have given an "...unlimited, worldwide, irrevocable, perpetual and royalty-free right and license to use, host, cache, store, copy, distribute, display, perform, publish, broadcast, transmit, modify, reformat, translate or otherwise exploit in any manner whatsoever your Submission throughout the universe, in perpetuity..."

I especially like the "throughout the universe" part. Sometimes it seems like there is a challenge between the lawyers (or pseudo-lawyers) to outdo each other.

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