Today's Globe and Mail has a good article on lifestreaming, the article is a reasonable combination of skepticism and information.
For every bon mot you leave [online], a breathless news release documents the leaving of the bon mot. Assemble all those press releases together, and you've got a lifestream.
A lifestream is just a [Facebook] mini-feed writ large, covering not just the cloistered confines of one site, but stretching across the entire Web, pulling in data from every site that is willing to share it.
Globe and Mail - Billy blogged! Sarah e-mailed! Tell everyone! - April 24, 2008
There is also accompanying audio (presented in a video window, I guess so they can show you an ad first). I like when he describes his worry that full lifestreams will be mostly full of "random detritus" of your web wanderings.
FriendFeed is kind of the canonical application in this space, but to some extent, anything that can aggregate RSS feeds can do a basic job of serving as a lifestream.