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April 02, 2008


I'd rather extract information from HTML than PDF. :) But yes, humans and computers see things differently.

Hi Richard,
Slidy (http://www.w3.org/Talks/Tools/Slidy) is a CSS+javascript+xhtml+svg created by the W3C, it might be a good alternative to create a presentation while keeping the "semantic" value of its content. For an example, see the test I wrote "Web2.0 and Science" at http://www.urbigene.com/SCIENCE2.0/science2.html#(1)


If you use progressive enhancement techniques (e.g. here's a summary of a few techniques - http://blogs.open.ac.uk/Maths/ajh59/014014.html ), though, you'd encourage the publication of data in a machine friendly format that can then be exploited to provide a pretty, human viewable, presentation layer.

ps if any oro folks pop over to the isle of wight for a day, ping me and I'll get the first round in (I live on the island...)

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